
A Day of Ducks

Pearl, Mimsy and I had a girls afternoon out. I showed Mimsy where Clay's new restaurant is, we made a quick stop at Starbucks for a frappuccino, and then headed down to Lake Lily for some duck watching and to get a little exercise. It's high time this couch potato sprouted some limbs and got out. The lake looked lovely, the Christmas tree was floating next to the fountain.

I've been going to Lake Lily since I was a little kid. My grandmother used to live across the street and would take my brother, sister and I to the art festival they hold there every year. It's a great "duck lake", it seemed like they had a population explosion! There were quite a few babies, and we even found some eggs.

After we walked around the lake once Pearl was set free from her stroller. It was her first time coming face to face with a group of ducks. She loved them! It was amazing to see her being so fascinated with these feathered creatures. Pearl would slowly follow them around, a huge smile on her face, and started making kissing noises at them.

After the duck excitement wore off we went exploring. Pearl was finding all sorts of goodies on the ground. We found a snail shell, a tiny plastic pig, sticks and some mulch.

Our last stop at the lake was the garden club. Pearl loved the flowers, she touches them and lights up with a big smile.

We stopped by Minnehaha park on the way home to show Mimsy where Pearl usually goes. When we came home we were treated to a beautiful display of Christmas lights. Clay was a busy elf while we were gone, the house looks so festive! It was a wonderful day.


Nana said...

Oh thank you for the update; wish I could have joined you...The picture of Miss pearl with the hot pink flowers makes me teary..not sure why...it is important that a girl have good girl time...thank you!!!

Bob Vance said...

What a great day out! I guess Pearl will like grdening! Can't wait to get her digging in the tomato plants!

Melissa said...

Pearl is such a sweetie! The pictures are adorable! xx Let me know how the "stoup" turns out--you can add canned mushrooms too--soo yummy.

Melissa said...

P.S. You mentioned Starbucks, and off I went. Came back with 2 Mocha Mint Fraps... ahhh... the power of suggestion!

Betty Wolff said...

Thanks Pearl, one of the best days ever, so much fun! Filled my heart.

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